At our church, everything we do in worship is guided by the Bible, the Word of God. Our services include reading both the Old and New Testaments, emphasising the importance of hearing the entire Bible, not just selected parts. Our sermons usually follow a verse-by-verse approach, called lectio continua, to ensure we fully understand Scripture. Sometimes, we also address specific life topics, always from a Biblical foundation.
Sunday is a special day for worship, rest, and family, following the example of the early church, which gathered on the first day of the week. We also encourage daily family worship at home, where families read the Bible, sing Psalms, and pray together.
We use the Westminster Shorter Catechism for teaching core Christian beliefs, especially to our younger members, helping them build a solid foundation in their faith. We sing Psalms a cappella, reflecting our belief that worship should align with what God commands in Scripture.
We observe the sacraments of the Lord's Supper and Baptism. Communion is for believers who are members of the church living in a way that honours God. Baptism is for believers and their children, signifying their belonging to God's family. Our worship practices are based on the Scripture and seek to honour God in every aspect.
Our church has grown from the mission in Stockton-on-Tees, England that was formalised in 1996, with Rev Roy Mohon as the minister. The Presbytery declared at this time its intention to endeavour, by God’s help, to establish a presbytery in England which would become an indigenous English denomination committed to the constitutional principles of the Presbyterian Reformed Church.
Today the Interim Moderator is Rev Mohon who has been minister of the Presbyterian Reformed Church, Stockton-on-Tees, since 1996.
God willing the Rev Paul Flynn will take up the full time pastorate of the Stockton-on-Tees congregation on the 26th October 2024